
Hey guys what up? what's new  ? 
          	Ive missed you guys.


Hey beauties ^_^, I have posted a new chapter Please vote and comment. 
          As you guys know now, i love landon Austin, would appreciate that you listen to the  song in the chapter <3. 
          Will update soon and please give me feedback where u see I'm lacking.


Hey guys, hope everyone is fine ❤️. Okay let me just say I’m sorry for being so inconsistent. Seriously I have had the writers block for a while now and not forgetting that I haven’t had time to even start writing a chapter. Will do better now that I have nothing better to do than write. 
          If I may ask how long do you like the chapters to be 800 words or 1500 words ?
          I would like to mention that I’ve been reading other books because I want to constantly learn how to write a book that you guys will enjoy to the fullest. Please check out @Phase19 s books , they are short but really amazing. Back to the topic, if you notice any changes to the way I write it’s because I’m trying to perfect my writing.
          To be honest everyone one who gets to read the book is open to give some comment, it can be about a scene in the story or if something didn’t makes sense. The more constructive criticism I get the better I become, meaning a book worth looking at years from now.  
          Enough about the book, I’m really grateful to all the readers, voters and to those that put in something in the comment section you mean the world! My day just lights up when I get comments or votes. A special thanks to all of you unknown readers as well. Thanks for being amazing . 


@ACSutliff thanks for checking them out and yes they are amazing ! ☺️


I love Phase’s short stories!


Good to know  will do my best to succeed ❤️


Hi, Val! Your book looks really interesting and I wondered if you'd like me to read, vote and comment for you? There's a minor catch though, but rest assured, it is nothing hideous. Possibly interested? Great! Check out the link below for further details so we can get started.


Good morning, good afternoon and a wonderful good evening to all the readers of FATED TO THE ALPHAS.... I'm sorry for being silent. I hurt my right hand, which is the main reason i write and given the fact that i need my hand for my school work. I had to sarcrifice the story. Nevertheless I will be fully back in April, cause I'm getting better and I'm finishing my school assignments this month. Please bare with me. I'm really thankful, for everyone that takes time to read the story. I love seeing your comments as well. Every comment makes me better so please feel free to comment.