
Sorry guys, I'm gonna be hiatus for now <3


I lost a bet to my friends... Now I have to make a skibidi toilet x reader story, I hate myself :D


@Idontneedamentalhelp just posted the first chapter, I feel so sigma male alpha >:) 


Very sigma your sigma valerie


Yo guys I wanna add a fun mini game that benefits the both of us when you guys read my stories, in the span of 3 days on each chapter uploaded, whoever finds the most Grammer mistakes/ misspelled words and pointing it out on chats for each chapter, I'll draw your pfp or favorite Jojo character. ;)
          Say, example, you found the most Grammer mistakes/ misspellings on the chapter 'showing my ankles' and you informed me of it FIRST, you get to pick if I draw your pfp or your favorite Jojo character and I'll post it on my art divider on "not just a dream?" Hehe <3


@Valerie_The_Random  THANK YOU !!! Okie I choose Reimi !! Reimi Sugimoto from JJBA !! 


@Silly_Zira I woke up to 73 notifications lol, girl pick your character of choice cause you were probs the only one to do this side quest <3333


@Valerie_The_Random I also just fixed more Grammer mistakes in the first chapter, " Woke up Bizarre " !! 


Guess who got their phone broken T>T DAWG I HAD IT FOR A MONTH AND IT BROKE THIS EARLY BRUHH, anyways I'm chatting on my computer rn, it's gonna be the death of me without auto correct for now on ;-; anyways I'm done in the rewrite for part 1 and two, but I'm publishing those once I'm done with rewrite part 3 lolll :3


Made a tiktok account lolz, if any of y'all wanna yk support me in my art account :> @random.artist.l0l I post my art there but I might post jjba x yn content there maybe 


@Silly_Zira aw shucks, it has "◦•●◉✿  ✿◉●•◦" as a name, the username is "random.artist.l0l" with a zero :3


@Valerie_The_Random wait. I can find you tt acc. I searched it up but I can't find it ;(


this message may be offensive
Why do I hang out with the wrong people? So I found out that my "friend" does crazy shit and also talks abt stuff that can ruin my section,teachers,and classmates, I told it to the officers and they promised to keep it a secret, but then a bitch snitched and now the class (who didn't know of this) started texting my "friend" death threats, next day I went to school and guess what? 
          He reported first on "bullying" on everyone, we tried to speak but the guidance counselor and his fucking favoritism silenced us, when we tried explaining what my "friend" did and bro said "why are we pointing fingers to (friend's name)?" LIKE BRO WE HAVE A REASON AS TO WHY WE ARE MAD AT (friend's name) 
          AND NOW MY ASS IS CRYING, MAKING AN APOLOGY LETTER TO THIS BITCH THAT DOESN'T DESERVE IT, I'm not becoming high honors in the last quarter smh :/
          Now I'm contemplating if it's my fault that I told the officers of our section about the back talk and toxic shit my "friend" did, my mind is foggy rn guys, please give advice :(


@Valerie_The_Random I've been in the same situation with a friend who acted like the victim. Personally, I didn't let them silence me to take her side. I made sure they knew my side of the story. But it seems your in a worst situation. If the counselor dosent listen to you, then I suggest you try talking to another staff in the building and see if they can help you ! Sorry I'm not so good at advice sorry if I don't come of any help 