@AmbarAnak After the Legionnaires and UTAF defeat the slavery faction and Black Shadow, we will see the royal wedding between Lucien and Princess Julia. Then, Emperor Aurelius abdicated and helped Lucien, who became the new Emperor of the Fortisregnum Empire. After that, Lucien lobbied several countries to obtain more advanced weapons, especially for the Fortisregnum Empire Navy, like 5th stealth jet fighters, aircraft carriers, guided-missile cruisers, guided-missile destroyers, and submarines. This will be the end of the Fortisregnum Empire arc.
The next arc will be the diplomatic arc when UT opens diplomatic relations with the rest of the nations in Luminarum. Some nations are welcomed with open arms, others are neutral, and some are hostile. Then, UT will open themselves to Luminarum and let the native of Luminarum enter United Terran. However, for safety reasons, ordinary people of UT are still prohibited from going abroad except for military and diplomatic officials.
After the diplomatic arc, we will enter the war arc between Imperio Estelar and Dawlat Al-Nur Caliphate. This war will ignite the first world war of Luminarum after the Great Holy War against the Ancient Devil Empire.