iwasagirlinavillagedoin✌alrightthenibecameaprincessovernightnow⚡️igotto⛓figureouthowtodo☁️itrightsoMuch to 2⃣learn and see up☝️inthecastlewithmynew♀️family✨inaschoolthatsjust✂️forroyaltyawholeenchantedworldiswaitingforme♀️I'm so excited to2⃣ be ☺ Sofia the first 1⃣I'm findingout what being royals all about Sofia the first making my way ➡ it's an adventure♀️ everyday☀Sofiait's gonna be my time ⏰ to show them all that I'm Sofia the
@Valonava it is a good thing you didn't die, I love you and so many other people do and the world wouldn't be the same without you
Pls dm me if you ever need to talk
I like to say that I'm a hard working woman that does not believe in giving up.
I cried during my physics test last friday...
I didnt understand anything so i walked out bawling my eyes out.... im never getting a future.
@Valonava I've watched oversexualized things from the age9 and I 24/7 horny but it's normal, BEING needy is normal but it doesn't make anyone a bad person as long as it doesn't hurt someone