Un dato sobre mi: A veces me gusta escribir sobre mis traumas en inglés para desahogarme.
Es medianoche, estamos a punto de terminar el año, tengo mi playlist para dormir al volumen mínimo y mi cabeza no puede dejar de dar vueltas a las palabras que ensordecen mis oídos. Les dejo esto, ojalá entiendan el transfondo del texto y comprendan mi día a día:
\\Her first time//
— I don’t want to punish you to do anything, you know that, right? — he said
— I am prepared, don’t worry — she replied
He started touching her neck… and then her shoulders and slowly started going down and down.
And suddenly, without even noticing a tear dropped from her eyes.
— I’m so sorry, it wasn’t my intention to make of our first time a bad experience, I’m so sorry — she said
— What are you talking about? I love you, I don’t care about sex, I just want YOU. — he replied
— Huh?
— I love you, and nothing will change that.