
Random question for anyone who chooses to answer.
          	Which of the seven deadly sins do you embody the most and why?


Yo, I have an announcement for my fellow k.Pop stanespecially if you are a fanboy like myself. 
          There's an account with some amazing stories that I feel deserve a little more recognition and followers. The account is @Iris63011.
          For a total combine, read count of around 31.2k and to only 15 followers is unfair.In my opinion, especially for the amount of detail the author puts into each chapter 
          So everyone, please do me a favor and check out the account.  


@EvanElevenStories thank you so much!! I appreciate it 


I want to thank everyone who follows and supports me here. Even if you do not respond. I never thought when I started writing that people would be interested in reading my works. I have a few questions if anyone would be willing to answer. 
          1. What is your favorite story of mine you have read and why?
          2. Is there a kind of story you want to see me write?