
Hey everyone! Chapter 1 is finished!, but i'm still working on chapter 2. Their both published if you want to take a look! If you have any questions or suggestions.... you can comment in the comment section below, or you can inbox me! Thanks! :)


Hey everyone! I will be starting a book called Behind Closed Doors. I will be starting it today, and if you have any questions about anything, you can inbox me or ask here on the comment section below. Please follow me at VampireUnderTheMoon, and i will follow you back! :) If you would like to get to know me or ask questions about me, you can inbox me your questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible! You can also follow my dear friend Anita at majestichowell. She writes fan fictions of Dan and Phil. I will be writing about mostly everything, the basics, such as romance, horror, mystery, etc. I will let all you guys know that my book is published, i will send a shoutout message on my page. Have a wonderful day, and please keep your eyes open for my story! :)