
Hi guys, omg Wattpad finally work again. My school blocked the website but now i guess they unblocked it? Anyways, how is everyone doing? I hope things are well for you. Anyways, i'm going to delay the squid game story until sometime March-May 2023 and i'll work on another story that will be much quicker. But i can only work on it on the weekends because of School and stuff. So just let me know if you have questions or concerns either by commenting below or just by DM.


Hello everyone, how are you? I'm slowly starting to make some processes for the Squid game story. I don't know when I'll be done but I'm hoping to be done before school starts back in September. There will be different parts for it that are labelled. For example, the first part will be the introduction, and the next part will be Red Light, Green Light, and so on. (SPOILERS), I know there was a fighting scene at some point in the show, so I'll figure that part out soon. If you have any questions, let me know by DMing me or by commenting below. Have a great day!


hello, the news update on my Wattpad story will be delayed due to me being busy. I'm making Gacha Club videos on my channel right now and I'll be going outside a lot for the nice warm weather here in Canada . I hope everyone understands that I won't have really any time to work on the Squid game story.


Hello! How are you? I know I said I was going to be finished the squid game story a few months ago, but I was very busy and I forgot about Wattpad even though I posted a few days ago. I was mainly on Roblox and if you want to add me as a friend, my username is XxxClown_demonxxX