
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 
          	Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
          	At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
          	We will remember them."


ok guys so the first chapter of my Cato fanfic may not be up for a couple of days as i have a few assignments to do and my sport on the weekend so i am extremely busy, BUT that does not mean i wont start writing it, it just wont be posted for a little bit :)
          Vampstababe xoxo


Hey guys,
          I know it took me ages to upload, but i feel like when I upload its a waste. I feel personally that this book is better than my other yet its got less reads and practically no votes. Now im not having a bitch so please dont get upset, but i would at least like to hear some feedback and maybe a couple of votes. because if this story doesnt pick up soon im going to delete it as it is really quite difficult for me to upload and when i do nobody reads it anyway.
          Vampstababe :)