
Hey everyone! Big news! I started a proofreading and editing business! Check it out at and follow me on Facebook and Twitter!


Hey guys! I just posted three chapters of a new project I've been working on for a long time. It's a massive work in progress, so I'm really keen to get some feedback! I would really appreciate it if you could let me know if I should post more chapters. Thanks!


Hey, guys. I know I haven't been doing much - or anything - on here lately, but I've started editing and rewriting Living With Mr Mysterious. I'm going to do the same with what's written of Living Without Mr Mysterious and hopefully that'll lead to updates! I love all of you who get excited at the thought of me updating. ^_^


Hey, guys! I know I haven't done a lot of writing lately, I've been reading more than writing at the moment. But hopefully, I'll be able to pump out a few chapters of a few stories! To any loyal followers out there, thank you! I love you all! <3