Born and brought up in southern-India with flip-flop weather all year round, Van now reside in Duluth, Minnesota, where the local pastime is fighting frostbite. He idolizes his big brother, who currently serves in the U.S. Army and dedicates his writing to the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces, and their families. 

He is straight (despite his love for Chick-Lit's) and a fun-loving, easy-going night-owl who loves meeting new people, and chatting and laughing it up long into the early-morning hours. When he's not reading (usually a romantic comedy or thriller) or writing, he is either fighting crime, rescuing puppies, or solving world hunger know, the usual stuff.

It wasn't until this late January that Van gave in to the desire to write his first novel, The Last Strand. The desire mainly grew from the frustration caused by reading an overwhelming amount of predictable plot-lines that certainly don't help the stereotypes about the Chick-Lit genre.

On the lighter side of life, he loves playing pool, hunting, fishing, truck mudding and bonfires.

To contact Van, you could e-mail him at or Facebook, Tweet (links attached to the page) him.

He'd love to hear from you.
  • 55806
  • JoinedJuly 26, 2013
