
Just an update!
          	I plant to continue Inamorata and Feral. Writing has been a huge struggle for me for that past like half year. I had been dealing with depression and a bad home life. Now I am moved in with my bf and have been on antidepressants for a few weeks so things are much better and I can get back to writing again!!


@Vanilla-Beans remember your health comes first!! take as much time as you need. I'm glad you were able to move and get on meds!!stay well, love♡


Just an update!
          I plant to continue Inamorata and Feral. Writing has been a huge struggle for me for that past like half year. I had been dealing with depression and a bad home life. Now I am moved in with my bf and have been on antidepressants for a few weeks so things are much better and I can get back to writing again!!


@Vanilla-Beans remember your health comes first!! take as much time as you need. I'm glad you were able to move and get on meds!!stay well, love♡


Hey everyone sorry for the lack of posting, I’m in the middle of moving and I won’t be able to write until I’m situated. Right now, even in my spare time I have such a lack of inspiration and motivation so I can’t really write. Sorry about that <3 have a good day 


Last night I had a weird ass dream where I hooked up with a guy I H A T E  But I could use it as story inspo ngl 


Lmao I think I might once I finish up Feral


@Vanilla-Beans Go for it boo. I would probably read it.