
@soccerglam Oh thank you. :) And I've seen some stories with the 'Dedicated to (username)' thing on the top of the first page. Would you show me how to do that? :3 Thanks again.


@VanillaEmma you go into the story you've written and then at the top above your cover and the by VanillaEmma and the rating and copy right it says 'new dedicated to then theres the facebook, wattpad, and person symbol. you click the facebook, wattpad, or outsider button and then click which one and type in the info! Ta da!


Haha it's not a bother at all! Well, there are a few ways to write a story. You can type it in a word document first and then upload it onto here by going into my works which is under the little Hi VanillaEmma thing in the top bar. and upload it into there! Or you can just type it in your my works thing! If you have any more questions just ask!