Wait so... That bed scene with Blitz and Stolas, Stolas wasn't even sober, he was flat out drunk... That's... That's not even consensual... BuT iT's juST heLL, sO wHy dO uS aS an AudiENCE mEMbEr hAvE TO cARE?! ThRoW aWay our morALs, hAve uS LaUgh and rOmaNtiCiZe ThE sCeNE oF SA! As LoNG as wE gEt a ToTaLLy heALthY shiP!
I'm fine if you ship Stolitz, I personally don't, but like,,,
Don't brush this under the rug please as "LOL YOU'RE A HOMOPHOBIC HATER WHO HATES A GOOD SHOW!" I've literally dedicated an Instagram account with my OC in my own Helluva Boss AU, have Helluva Boss BACKGROUND picture, and I have gay characters. What- I can love a show, but still acknowledge other people's opinions that aren't the same as mine and I won't ignore criticism and treat the show as FLAWLESS. Everything has flaws.