
iit’2 been more than a year and ii came back to thii2 app. Hii. There ii2 goiing two bee revamp2. ii wiill al2o try to make a new ongoiing 2tory! 
          	- » Vantaslab, Berrymev


Plea2e exu2e my ab2ence lately! ii've been bu2y wiith 2chool and te2tiing ii2 gettiing there. ii al2o made a textiing buddy. My 2chool poliicy had changed and went a little wonky, un2table profiit and unfaiir treatment two 2tudent2 had affected me alot. ii promise ii wiill be okay, for me, I have a early day out of school! Dependiing iif ii managed two attend 2aturday 2chool.
          iit'2 almo2t 2priing break! Prepare for 2ome tii22ue month boxe2 and 2tay clean-healthy and safe.
          ☆ 》 Vantaslab


Good afternoon two my followiing" announcement" reader2.
          Happy valentiine2 two those people who are many hour2 ahead. You dont need two love 2omeone, but be iin2piired or liike 2omeone you care about iin your good heart. 
          iit2 okay a2 you dont have anyone iin that speciial place you can get other try and keep going untiil you get 2omeone perfect. But sometiime2, not all of the thiings are permanent and only temporary, as iif ii thiink.
          But please, take good care of yourself, people do care about you even when you think you dont. As long you dont take peopels hopes down. 15:00
          ☆ 》 Vantaslab .


2orry two ruiin your guy2 miind wiith my total and mo2t ultiimate home2tuck paiir . "(u u)"
          wriitiing thii2 out and leaviing the 2tory a2 ii2 can 2how many per2pectiive2. but iit ii2 22:10.
          good niight and valentiine2 almo2t here .
          ☆ 》 Vantaslab .


hii ! now that iim back only for a liitle biit-
          ii am holdiing back on "Relief in Lives" 2tory.
          as my wriiter2 block and motiivatiion ii2 unable two comprehend the aftermath of the recent 2tr22e2. But wiith a promii2e. ii am okay.
          iit ii2 06:09 and iim pretty much well. but once agaiin, iil recomment iif the book ii2 publii2ed.
          ☆ 》 Vantaslab .


Hii .. The re"e"l work ii2 beiing made and -should ii even 2ay you, ehhh- you my thiing2 yeyay. Short liittle comment.
          Wii2h everyone the be2t and Black History Month. Celebrating  the history and always treat people with kindness.
          ☆ 》 Vantaslab .