From now on, I’ll be writing GoT (Game of Throne) Fanfiction until I am so bored of it, I end it off in a cringy note.
The story I will be writing will take place after Robert’s Rebellion.
In this world, Aegon Targaryen and Rhaella Targaryen flee from Kings Landing. They go to Dragonstone and give up their throne to Robert. Rhaegar and Lyanna are together, much to the dislike of Robert. Cersei and Robert will be married and have the three children, Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen. Ned ends up marrying Caitlyn instead (Brandon and Rickon is still dead). Aegon and Rhaella’s mother is still alive in this story, she gives birth to Vasaries Targaryen.
Daenerys and Vasaries grow up together, Viserys is still alive, but he is King of Mereen after Daenerys conquers it. Vasaries rules Dragonstone with Tommen Baratheon (marriage by alliance). Daenerys is ruling a large portion of Essos and Rhaella, her sister is alive but old af.
The rest of the story will be told in the book. I’m going to upload at least 6 chapters on the first day of it’s release then at least 1-2 chapters every week.
Dragons exist the same way Daenerys gets her dragons (but Khal Drogo is STILL ALIVE) and they have a son.
Lost of fun and drama will happen. Planning to end it the same way the show will end the GoT series.
The name of the book is called “White Dragon” | Tommen Baratheon. It’s going to be so GOOOD, I hope everyone will stay to read it!