
hi everyone i hope you a re all having a good day cause i am not i had to wake up at 5am today to go to school and i starts at 7.30am so you can see why i am tired and pissed off.
          	But enough about me i came up here to give an announcement and i wanted you all to know that I'm gonna start writing again, i got a little bit distracted with my final exams last year and i graduated so i was walking on egg shell back then and i totally forgot about my book so I'm so so so sorry about that i also had a major writers block but i am back again and I'm feeling inspired.
          	I'm gonna see if i can publish all the chapters i have been meaning to publish for a wile now on either Friday or Saturday.
          	So i hope i am making your day better with this announcement, have a good day you beautiful people and I'll be seeing you on Friday or Saturday.


hi everyone i hope you a re all having a good day cause i am not i had to wake up at 5am today to go to school and i starts at 7.30am so you can see why i am tired and pissed off.
          But enough about me i came up here to give an announcement and i wanted you all to know that I'm gonna start writing again, i got a little bit distracted with my final exams last year and i graduated so i was walking on egg shell back then and i totally forgot about my book so I'm so so so sorry about that i also had a major writers block but i am back again and I'm feeling inspired.
          I'm gonna see if i can publish all the chapters i have been meaning to publish for a wile now on either Friday or Saturday.
          So i hope i am making your day better with this announcement, have a good day you beautiful people and I'll be seeing you on Friday or Saturday.


Hi everyone, so I wanted to say that I'm sorry for not updating these past couple of months. I've been really sick, especially now. If you heard me talk right now, it's like I am dying, so I'm not sure when I'll be better. But yeah, I just wanted to say, and I'm sure when I'm gonna start updating. I'm damn sure that I'm going to.  Update in December 20th cause I'm going to the Netherlands because I'm gonna get a niece, so I'm taking sample school and going to the Netherlands. Be with my brother and my new niece for a couple of weeks and a couple of weeks, I'm going to update my book, so sorry for not updating a lot, I'm gonna try to. I'm not sure if my mom's gonna let me stay at home. Because I'm not as annoyed me at times, trust me,if it were  up to my dad. He'd let me stay at home because he knows that I'm not faking it, especially with my temperature. So maybe if I stayed, I might.  Update, but it all depends on the word of my mom, so tempt it, so see guys later. And I'll keep you guys updated for further news child bye.


Hi guys, I'm so sorry being MIA for the last couple of months but on the bright side I didn't get held back this year like my other friends whom I'm missing so fuckin much right now that i don't have them in my class anymore (I BLAME THE TEACHERS AND THE SUBJECTS).
          Anyways back to the topic I'm ingoing to get exams this year so I won't be publishing, starting in the middle of April to the end of May (I'll keep you informed), so I can start studying for them which means I can't celebrate my birthday either on May 14th (T~T) so theirs that.
          But on the bright side, I will be publishing more so you can expect new updates on Saturdays And maybe on Sundays if I don't update on Saturdays or even in the week. But don't count it in the school week, Because yeah, the teachers are ruthless.
          So that's what I wanna eat, I shall know, and to know th it keeps going like that. And well, Goodbye for now, see you guys on Saturday.
          Much love from your, Favourite author. Just kidding who knows later.


Hey! Sorry for barging in on your wall like this but I saw your library and thought you might be interested in my work. It's a completed dark romance, with all chapters edited (so if you see any errors, please point them out) called The Cunning, here's a quick synopsis: 
          She's as clever as the Devil and twice as pretty.
          Madison has a secret, and she wants to keep it that way. Her days are short and simple, she works her shifts at the 24-hour convenience store and goes home to feed her neighbours cat. It's peaceful, quiet.
          No one is any the wiser about who she is and what she's capable of. 
          Because if they did, Jase would never have accepted the money to take her. He wouldn't have instructed his boys to follow her home and stake out her house. They wouldn't have tied her wrists and told her to accept her fate.  
          Because if they knew who she was, they would know it meant sealing theirs. 
          When the request for Madison was made, Jase assumed it would be like taking candy from a baby. Instead, he learned the hard way that holding her captive was the worst mistake he could make.
          Madison has fewer tears to cry than most and she doesn't suffer fools gladly, so when the panic stops, the game begins. Being raised by a morally grey man has taught her a thing or two about morally grey men. 
          Jase has a secret and he wants to keep it that way- he let Madison go once before. And she won't let him forget it.

          If it sounds like it's something you'd enjoy, please check it out and thanks for reading my message, have a good day :)



@itohanhad77 Thanks for recommending it to me I will read it as soon as I can ,hopefully really soon