
Finished chapter 9 and starting chapter ten! :) Hope you enjoy it! Have a great friday.


I've been writing out my story, "All She Needs Is Love" because I thought it was easier. Then I remember I would have to type it out on here after I took a lot of time to physically write it out.. I'm hoping to have the next chapter in two weeks. I'm sorry for the wait..


@allora_haven I play the trumpet! During marching band I play the vibraphone. Which is just another kind of marimba. 
          I'll have to read your story! Then I'll tell you if you should add. Just kidding that's up to you. :) anyways. If you ever want to brickwall off of my stories or ever have a question what to add next or anything just let me know!!


@VeeHope no way! What do you play? I play brass instruments (mainly trumpet)! And I'd love someone to brick-wall with too! I'm currently tossing up whether to do a sequel to my story 'Nameless' since people seemed to like it, but I kinda liked its ambiguous ending so I'm torn!