
Thanks for adding After Humanity to your reading list:-)


And i would say its less about genre than about STORY. I dont write my stories to fit a genre. I write them and then figure out what genre they best fit into


@VeeroLucor  Im not certain what you are asking me? Are you asking if you should drop the story and start a new one? I cant answer that question for you. Really thats something you have to decide for yourself. Finishing a book to completion is HARD WORK but it should also be enjoyable. I couldnt stay invested in a story i wasnt excited about. Idk if that helps at all?


@stpolishook I always wanted to disturb people with my stories as well as make them cry. I have a type of love for the darkness, but horror novels seem to bore me (although I have onky read horror from Stephen King and Dracula from Bram Stoker which was great though)