Mild Spoilers for Jurassic World Dominion. Not story or anything, just random tidbits.
New Jurassic World is great. Still not utilizing that stupid laser like they should be, but hey, at least it isn’t attached to a gun anymore. Now it’s like playing with a cat using a laser pointer from a pet store.
Didn’t see any of the trailers if I could help it on purpose, so the appearance of the giant perpetually-angry chicken was a pleasant surprise. Honestly, the Therezinosaurus would be even scarier than any massive theropod carnivore because it doesn’t have a hunger to satiate.
Also that swimming pyroraptor will never in a million years make one bit of damn sense.
Anyway, it’s an excellent and appropriately lengthy conclusion to the Jurassic Park/World franchise. Probably. Idk, maybe they’ll beat the dead raptor later down the road and make another movie.