Again, not that anyone will see this but I wanna thank everyone for reading! Voting really helps me and helps gain my confidence so please if you enjoy a chapter PLEASE vote for it (if you don't want to that's completely fine!) And thank you to everyone that comments, I do read them all and I love every single one! It really helps gain my confidence and realize that people enjoy my stories! I have some plot ideas for new stories I just have to type them but as of right now everything I'm working on is up here or completed on here! New updates on one of my stories will be coming today as well so look forward to that! Also,
This is super important for readers of AFIM: A Flame Inside Me q&a will stop taking questions at the end of August. I have 2 questions so far, and thank you for that, I will be publishing the answers as well as another thank you in the beginning of September so if you have a question please ask it on there! Thank you again everyone!