
We have IDs and that proves school is a prison or jail. Your welcome


The Marina song storyline is going good. I'm addicted to writing it rn! I'm on her first album (Sorry Mermaid vs Sailor) The family jewels and I'm starting Hermit the frog. I CAN'T WAIT TILL I CAN WRITE LOVE AND FEAR. I have a while to go. Here is an inncorect quote no one but me will understand why it is:
          Mitzi: *Answers phone* Hello?
          Ivy: It's Ivy.
          Mitzi What did she do this time?
          Ivy: No it's me. Ivy. It's actually me.
          Mitzi: What did you do this time?


So I thought someone was going to shoot down my school today in math. BUT THANK GOD IT WASN'T TRUE. It was just another teacher. I got a so scared. I just stared at the door until the teacher came in and others ducked down because they also thought it was a shooter.