So I just kind of want to give everyone a heads up on whats going on. Because I promised the beginning of a new story a couple of weeks ago...
So I haven't had a working vehicle since a week before Christmas, which was a major bummer since we were supposed to go out of town this year *le sigh*....
But the past month and a half I've been getting A Lot of pressure from my youngest son's dad to get it fixed. And I had been working on it for the past month and a half on finding out what was wrong and getting the parts and finding someone to fix it.
About 2 weeks ago, right around the time I had finally decided I was going to write a Jimmy story. I had got my vehicle fixed, ONLY to find out that something else was wrong with it.
And although I had finally figured out that I was doing a Jimmy story and had thought a good plot for my story.....
When I started writing it out, I kept hitting blocks. It just wasn't coming together for me. I'm not sure if that's because of me trying to get my vehicle situation figured out or other things going on in my life.
I've gone back and forth trying to figure out if I should still go with the original story I had in my head or try and go a different route.
But anyways I just wanted to let you all know I'm Not giving up on a Jimmy story. But I'm just trying to figure out what way I'm going with a storyline. But it still maybe a few weeks before I get anything going....
From: W