
Hello people!
          	Hope everyone is doing good ✨.
          	I have created a personal blog + IG page @_thebookist_  to help new readers, encourage reading and share my bookaholic love with everyone.
          	I would be so happy if you could take a look, follow me there and share your opinions. It would mean a LOT to me.
          	Looking forward to all your feedbacks and follows.
          	Until then,
          	Happy reading!! ✨


@Venki310s already following XD


Hello people!
          Hope everyone is doing good ✨.
          I have created a personal blog + IG page @_thebookist_  to help new readers, encourage reading and share my bookaholic love with everyone.
          I would be so happy if you could take a look, follow me there and share your opinions. It would mean a LOT to me.

          Looking forward to all your feedbacks and follows.
          Until then,
          Happy reading!! ✨


@Venki310s already following XD


Happy Pride Month!
          I hope whoever is reading this has an awesome awesome awesome month. To all my LGBTQ+ friends, I'm sending you all my love and support. I'm proud of who you are. To everyone who is questioning themselves, I want to say, you're valid. To everyone who wants to shift your labels, take your time. You owe nothing to anyone but to yourself. To everyone who doesn't want labels, you're awesome too. I'm sending hugs to all of you. And I mean every word of it. 
          And to all the cis-het friends who are reading this  support us as much as you can. Give love to everyone you come across. Be mindful of what you are saying please and be empathetic. Check in on your queer friends and spread love.
          With that,
          I love you all! ❤
          And once again 
          Happy Pride Month folks! 


@Venki310s  Aww! Thank you! Happy Pride ! 


Hey guys!
          How is everyone doing? Hope everyone is safe and well.
          So to the question. When you write action sequences, what's the key element you focus on? From where do you get the perfect word to describe fighting styles?  Also, which is your favourite fighting style? Mine is hand-to-hand combat.
          I'm writing an action sequence and your answer will be of great help. 
          Looking forward to your answers.


          Calling all Maybelline lovers and fans!
          In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month this May, @Maybelline has teamed up with @Wattpad to bring you a writing opportunity to banish the stigma around depression and anxiety. 
          Share a story around your own struggles or those of someone in your life, and the breakthroughs you've had. 
          For every story submitted, Wattpad and Maybelline will donate $1 to Crisis Text Line up to $10,000. 
          To everyone around the globe, you are welcome to join the Donation Challenge as a chance to support this amazing cause.
          Wattpadders, let's be #BraveTogether !
          Check the Mental Health Awareness Writeathon story on our profile for more details and how to enter here:


I believe, there is a maternal instinct in all of us irrespective of one's gender.
          Let us cherish that instinct and celebrate those who represent it at all time i.e. all mothers, I want to say,
          Happy Mother's Day to everyone! ✨


Hey guys!
          Poems are the only literature that could be interpreted in as many ways as possible. It is subjective. That's what my professor said. She encouraged me to try writing poetry and show it to the world. A big thanks to her. I have complied my so-called "poems" and published them as a poem book. Have a look at it and share your thoughts! 
          Stay safe and take care :heart:


          Hope everyone is safe and well.
          I have deleted "The Masked Avenger". Yes, my first ever story.  I started writing just like that without proper knowledge of how to build a story and character properly. After a long thought process, I felt I didn't do justice to the character nor the story by paying my attention and commitment. Diana Winters is close to my heart and I want this story to be better.  I'm planning to rewrite it properly from scratch. I apologise for this sudden decision. Also thank you so much for supporting me and Diana until now. 
          I assure you that when I publish Masked Avenger again, it would be a better one.
          Until then,
          Stay safe and take care.


          How you all been?  If you didn't notice, I am badged up now as an ambassador. I'm in cloud nine. I'm so happy to share this wonderful news with you all. Thank you for staying with me despite my irregular updates and lack of communication. A special thanks to @Shreya_VA for supporting and guiding me when I was in need. 
          Love you all.
          PS: A new chapter in on the way ;)


@Pterois_Volitans @buoyantisabella @noodleshnoodle @PhoenixDavenport and @Shreya_VA  Thank you, peeps!  Congrats to you all too. We did it!


@Venki310s Congratulations ❤️


Hey guys! I know it's been a long time. I'm slowly overcoming the writer's block, thanks to my friends and supporters from IQM. 
          A sneak a peek in Diana's life. Will she able to unravel her past?
          Read Masked Avengers to find out!
          Hope you all like it!