
Hello once again! Thanks for following me :) I'm really grateful. Anyways, I found another reaction book that inspired 24 Minutes ;) Its by @acryliic and the book title is "Watching Their Anime"
          I haven't read it but I saved it to my library. And I remembered you really liked reaction books. ☺️☺️☺️ Sorry I can't give you a link. I'm using a phone right now. :(


Hello! I read on your profile to recommend you reaction fics. If you want a Haikyuu reaction fic of each episode of each episode, check out @OwlyPersona125.
          Here's the link:
          Hope you enjoy ^w^


@Yukihira_Souma_ @emokingisgladion No no! O////O I really wanted to share one of my favorite fics. And I don't deserve the follow but really, I'm deeply grateful and happy from the bottom of my heart. (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)  Grazie :)
            Grazie is Italian for Thank you. ;)


( @emokingisgladion )
            AAA Thank you so much!! °•° You are a blessing to this world—