DONT talk to me about my fics. I was 12 when I wrote them, looking back 3 years later I feel like I’m going to have a brain aneurism ohmygod it’s all so bad. I don’t blame the ‘second hand embarrassment’ comments because what in the name of Shrek was that smut. What was I thinking. I swear in the name of god I am so much better and improved so much since then. Whenever I read back on my work here I get the insatiable urge to just delete all my works and this app and never speak of it again. If I reread one more line of my old writing, I might just pass away. I’m Sobbing, crying, shaking, having a meltdown, absolutely inconsolable, never going to recover, tears are spilling, death is calling my name, having flashbacks. To younger me, please seek professional help.

@xiaothermybabys eh I guess so, I’m just really hard on myself but thank you anyways