Hello to everyone who has taken the time to read my books, or at least taken a look. I'm currently having some difficulties putting my ideas on paper or, in this case, online. That's why I paused my SMG4 and Loona book. My Miraculus book, on the other hand, was abandoned, which makes voting pointless. please excuse me. But the last time I saw Miraculus there were only 2 seasons and so I don't really know the series that well. Please forgive me, I enjoyed watching this series despite my age. But I don't feel the same way about it as I do in my other books. I apologize to everyone who waited for a chapter for this book, but I don't want to type anything. so that you have something to read that isn't good or that I don't feel comfortable with, but I'm happy to pass on the story idea so that another creative writer can try it if they want. I ask for your understanding and thank you for your time Kind regards, your Ventuz7

Hello @Ventuz7 are you there and if so i was wonderin if possible you could do my suggestion for a kingdom hearts x villain oc x my little pony friendship is magic x crossover story idea if you don't mind me asking because i'm curious to know if you could do it xelyk (my villain oc is the last remaining member and remnant of the true organization 13 (the details of my oc is that his skin looks like salem's skin from rwby but has the same eye color as king sombra from my little pony friendship is magic and his hair looks like vanitas's hair from kingdom hearts and his coat looks like the master of masters from kingdom hearts's coat and is in kingdom hearts manga style and xelyk's sister is chrysalis (my little pony friendship is magic cartoon series) (the master) and my oc xelyk's love interest is catwoman (selina kyle) (max's harley quinn 2019 cartoon series) and his old friends basically are villains that he made friends with while traveling to the different worlds under the orders of the true organzation 13 (lute (hazbin hotel) (my oc xelyk's right hand woman) and taurus bulba (the ducktales 2017 reboot cartoon series) and lobo (puss in boots the last wish) (the nefarious bull of crime and wolf reaper duo) and the ultimate green goblin (norman osborn) (disney xd's ultimate spider-man cartoon series and the ultimate green goblin (norman osborn) is from ultimate spider-man (miles morales)'s dimension) (the muscle) and together they are called the council of evil