
Hey, hey, everyone! <3
          	It's Black Friday week, and it's the perfect time to discount my books! :D So I'm excited to say that Bullied, Pained, and Damaged are on SALE for a limited time, and they're all available for only $0.99 each! If you don't already own them, this is your chance to get them <3
          	You can get them here:


Can you buy the full version on kindle 


@AshRKC I'm glad to hear that! Thank you! <3


I just bought Pained and Damaged, kindle version today!! So happy that I could afford it!! 


يا حواء إختاري رجلا لا ينسحب عندما يراكِ حزينة و يتحمل غضبكِ حتى ولو كنتِ عنيدة .. اختاري رجلا يغار عليكِ بعقل و يمضي في بحر حبك بجنون!
          رجلا انيق المشاعر، شريف الاخلاق .. يحترم عقلكِ، يعاملكِ بطيبة .. يحارب لأجل أحلامك .. تكونين معه على طبيعتكِ!
          رجلا تشعرين معه بحنان والدكِ و خوف أخيكِ عنك .. للرجولة في دياره عنوان!
          اختاري عاشقا لك أنتِ كما أنتِ .. يرى فيكِ كل نساء الأرض!
          رجلا من النور و الإيمان! يؤمن ان لا امرأة سواكِ ستكون امرأته، شرعا و قانونا و غراما!
          تقول: أخاف عليك من عابرة تلفت انتباهك و صديقة قديمة تحن اليك، من الماء و هو يبلل وجهك و يحسد بعضه بعضا .. أخاف عليك من نبض قلبك و أصابع يديك، مني و منك و من أعظم و أصغر و أتفه الأشياء .. مغرمة بالتفاصيل التي لا يُلْتَفَتْ لها ..
           كخطوط يدك و الجانب الذي تفضل النوم عليه و ساعة استيقاضك .. فأنا أنانية بك، لا أقبل أنصاف الأشياء! أريد جميعك .. اريد اختلاق الصدف لنا .. و محو تفاصيل الآخرين منك أريدك لي و قلبك لي!
          يقول: اجد كفايتي عن هذا العالم بقربكِ، و أستريح من هذه الحياة على كتفيكِ، و أشعر السلام من خلال صوتكِ، و أتمعن تارة في جمال عينيكِ و تارة أضيع ما بين شفتيكِ، و اخيرا لقد عرفت معنى الانتصار الحقيقي حالما فزت بكِ .. فالغرام معناه أنتِ!


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          Hi guys this is my first story I've been using Wattpad for like 10 years but after reading Sarah and Hayden's story I was so impressed by the writer to write a story of my own please support me .... Thank you so much and sorry for posting this message here without your permission dear author 


What if you suddenly discovered that supernatural beings existed and lived among us? What if you found that you were one of those creatures and your entire life was a lie? And, what if that truth would require you to do the unthinkable? Would you sacrifice everything to save the people you love, even if it meant deceiving them and hurting them? 
          Luna, a Twenty-year-old ballet student at Julliard, thinks she's just an ordinary girl with big dreams. She doesn't understand her father's overprotective behavior, and so she wants, more than anything, to be free of his control and the fears he has instilled in her. Determined to pursue her goals-despite her father's opposition, her insecurities, and a bloodcurdling sense of impending doom, Luna goes to Italy to participate in the most important event of her career.
          While in Rome, Luna is conflicted about her feelings for Sandro, the beautiful and enigmatic musician in charge of the summer program. She's drawn to him by a force she can't explain, but his domineering and mercurial behavior infuriates her. Luna fights her emotions and tries to stay away from Sandro, but eventually succumbs to her attraction-igniting an intense and passionate romance, provoking deadly encounters, exposing dangerous secrets, and revealing an astounding, otherworldly destiny that will change her life forever.
          *New chapters every Friday!!!