
Oops, hehe it looks like I posted the chapter in the wrong order. I fixed it so Chapter 18 should continue right after the 17th chapter.


Her Lovely Scar Chapter 18 has been uploaded. 
          I'm really sorry that I haven't been uploading as much as you and I would like, but I am working on improving on that. So please don't be afraid to message me asking for updates or anything. Thank you guys so much!


Okay I have been away from Wattpad for way longer than I would like. I know it's not New Years yet, but I'm stating my resolution right now. I am going to try my best to post chapters to a few of my stories here and other sites more often, and not allow myself to let them slip so much. 
          With that, I wish you all Happy Holidays, and I look forward to your reactions! (: