
Hey guys! I've just got a quick life update for the lovely bunch of you who follow me!
          	So my life has gotten crazy lately, and I'm unfortunately finding myself extremely short on time. I won't be able to update as often anymore, and I apologize for that.
          	However, amidst the craziness that's become my life, writing is one of my stress relief outlets, so I'll be doing as much of it as I'm able. It won't be often, but I will still be posting as my hectic schedule allows.
          	As always, thank you all for your support! Even if I can't always be posting, I still love reading your comments and seeing little vote notifications coming in. You're the best! I hope to be interacting with you all again soon!


@Veratia0011 You don't have to apologize for updating less. The fact that you take time out of your day to write, and then share it with all of us is already amazing as it is. We, your readers, appreciate you so much, and we understand that you have a life outside of wattpad. Take your time, and don't feel obliged to post things just because you have readers. May you have a fantastic day full of smiles!


Hello, new reader here. Just wanna let you know that I LOVE your Ezra story. It's so well written and just for that fact I love it even more. You didn't rush the story and I love you made Ezra have a good relationship with each character. 
          I know it's been a year and I do hope you didn't discontinue this book and I will waiting you to update this book no matter how long it is. Hope you're well and stay safe.


Hey guys! I've just got a quick life update for the lovely bunch of you who follow me!
          So my life has gotten crazy lately, and I'm unfortunately finding myself extremely short on time. I won't be able to update as often anymore, and I apologize for that.
          However, amidst the craziness that's become my life, writing is one of my stress relief outlets, so I'll be doing as much of it as I'm able. It won't be often, but I will still be posting as my hectic schedule allows.
          As always, thank you all for your support! Even if I can't always be posting, I still love reading your comments and seeing little vote notifications coming in. You're the best! I hope to be interacting with you all again soon!


@Veratia0011 You don't have to apologize for updating less. The fact that you take time out of your day to write, and then share it with all of us is already amazing as it is. We, your readers, appreciate you so much, and we understand that you have a life outside of wattpad. Take your time, and don't feel obliged to post things just because you have readers. May you have a fantastic day full of smiles!


Hi everyone! I know that I've been gone for a looooong time, and I have to apologize for that. I do want you to know that I have been busy; there's been school, work, studying for graduate school entrance exams, and I just spent the past four months studying at a university in London, so I haven't been writing at all. And before that, I was struggling hard with a lack of inspiration that made it really difficult to sit down and start putting words on the page. But now I'm home, with a thousand new experiences under my belt, and I am so ready to write again! I'm busy continuing Ezra and the gang's story, so I hope you'll bear with me for just a little longer. I promise that I'll have new chapters out very, very soon. Thanks for being so patient with me! I hope to be talking with all of you again in the very near future!


Hey guys... I just feel like I need to apologize for my extended absence! I know that it's been a long time since I've posted, and I realize that you're all waiting for more. I just wanted you to know that there's a reason why I haven't been able to write lately. I've been swamped with university work, and I've barely had time to breathe this last month! And when I do have downtime, I'm so unbelievably tired that I wind up doing nothing more than napping or watching Netflix. I do plan on continuing this story, because I love Ezra and I want to see her character through. I just don't know when I'll have the time to dedicate to making her story perfect. Again, thank you all so much for reading! Each and every one of you means a lot to me, and I needed to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you! Life's just getting to me a bit right now, and I need to focus a bit more on what's right in front of me. Thank you all for your patience and understanding; you really mean a lot to me. I hope you're not too disappointed!


@Veratia0011 -bows- I think we should be thanking you for making such a wonderful story and for updating it often.