
@crimson-echo-x  Oh well if you don't mind reading my poems I wouldn't complain ;) and you're welcome!


Hi there. I just recently joined wattpad and am looking for folks who write DA fanfic to read my story The Exiled. If you feel up to it I would love for you to read and see what you think. The story is still in progress with several more chapters to be released soon. 
          Oh and I am THRILLED to see assassin's creed fanfic. Am headed off to read it now. :D


He has a mental problem, so it's hard for him to function normally. XP Bio-polar disorder, makes it hard to keep track of his emotions. Could do something completely harmless but he'd blow it out of proportion. 
          I have a friend who used to do that. She would even ignore me. Mainly just paid attention to her boyfriend for the first year. 
          Hey, are you interested in AC2? I've a ficlet series called 'Taboo Tears You Up' based off of the game. XD