Hi minna! Sorry for the delay but a lot has happened and a lot continues to happen and those events conspires to update. That said, there is something we really need to do, as in it's really REALLY IMPORTANT. I won't elaborate on the details but the duration of this something might last, I dunno, a very long time. BUT, don't you worry, we've already worked it out. We realized that we're in a desperate need for a schedule so we made one and it might help us improve. We've decided that we'd update on the 2nd and 4th week of the month. If, let's say, that month is lined up with our exams, we would just update on the week after that. We hope that you'd understand. Thank you~ :)
PS: Arigato minna for the 3.3K reads and 129 votes! :D Thank you for all of you're support and thank you for being loyal to us even though we have a really bad habit of updating our stories late :)