@Jesus_Loves_You Look, the only issue I hold with her deleting the other messages is that now you cannot see how the entire argument developed. I asked whether she disbelieved evolution when she said she "believed the bible was 100% true". She replied to my question by asking "of we evolved from monkeys why are there still monkeys", to which I did my utmost to provide an explanation. She then replied to this with a "If you take kids from Alaska and put them in Florida they wouldn't evolve", I then explained exactly why that does not work as a counter argument. In this process I suggested she was ignorant (ie, she lacked knowledge, different from stupid and she did lack knowledge concerning evolution. Whether you know a fact or not is not a matter of intelligence but merely of whether you have been taught it comprehensively as I was trying to do) She took this the wrong way and started using expletives. Basically, I did not begin the conversation in order to upset her. I merely corrected incorrect knowledge she had concerning evolution (whether she then chooses to continue to believe in the bible literally or not having comprehended evolution is an entirely different matter and her own choice).
In the end I did call her stupid. Not because she believed the bible was 100% true, NOT because she was American. But because she was refusing to understand new knowledge (whether you believe in evolution or not you should know what it is. I don't believe in the Christian God but I more or less know the creeds and decrees of the bible as well as the general creation story).
To summarize. I did start by just "saying so" but then she asked questions which were challenging evolution, so I merely replied in a comprehensive and logical fashion.
I apologize for remarking on her misspelling. That, I admit, was a rather cheap shot but at that stage I was rather irate at your friend's stubborn refusal to understand the opposing argument.