@YukijiRin Thanks. Can’t wait to see what you come up with.
Anyway, it was nice talking to you. Feel free to message me if you ever need writing ideas. I’ve always got a few.
@Veritas2357 can’t wait for the next update!!! I just love, no— adore. Yep, that’s the word I’m looking for ☺️♥️
The characters are just so real and their personalities, I just ahhhhh. Can’t get enough of them nor the stories. ♥️♥️♥️
@Miraculous096 I think you're misunderstanding my point, because you basically just agreed with me.
If we had no impact on the world, us dying would mean nothing for the ecosystem. But, you just said life would flourish if we died.
I'm not saying we have a good impact, I'm just saying we have an impact.
@Veritas2357 Uhhhh, how 'bout nature's disasters. If all the flies died in the world, we will all be destoryed in three years. If WE died out, the life here would FLOURISH.