
Can anyone please suggest some quotes related to life for my book "QUOTES N NOTES RELATED TO LIFE." Then it would be really kind of you guys!❤


@VermonBlue i have one. Not the ones you might look for but its like depressing quotes. Hehe dont mind me promoting myself.XP


Here are some quotes.
            1) Intelligence without ambition is like bird without wing.
             2)There comes a time in your life when you need to turn a page.Write the book or simply close it.
             3)I can change my life.No one can do it for me 
            4)The most important thing is to enjoy life.To be happy.This is all that matters.
            5)Live today.Yesterday is gone.Future may never come.
           6)We are all in gutter.But some few look for stars.
           7)Life is experiment.The most experiments you make best.
            8)Don't say,act.Dont talk,show.Dont promise,prove.
            These are for now. Pls try to do calligraphy on these quotes in your new book.Best of luck!!!


I suggest u to do some calligraphy on following quotes:
            1.Practice like you have never won and perform like you never lost.
            2.W hen it rains look for rainbows and when it is dark,look for stars.
            3.Just because my path is different don't means that I am lost.
            4.Character is how you treat those who can do nothing for you.
                 FOR Now Do These I will Recommend you other later


@vermonblue once u finish these I will give u more


@Harmony_crystallia Thank you very much for the recommendation mate!❤


Thanks a lot every one for the follows and making it 200!!❤️❤️


Congrats dude!!! 200 followers!! I know it's not so easy to make, Lol! :) ;)