
So I posted something on AO3, it is a follow up to Don't Hold Back.  Not going to post it on here cause i don't feel all that comfortable with it. But here is the link if you wanna read it.


YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!! I get to see my best friend tomorrow!!!
          I've known him for eight years, went to high school with him, was basically joined at the hip for a good six of those. I've been there for him though his break ups, through his depression. He's been there for me for all my self deprecating moments. He is basically my rock.
          But for most of this year he's been really busy with work and everything. Which has been tough on me, my rock hasn't really been there, and there have been times when i have really needed him there.
          I live in the same city as him. I go to uni literally like two mins from his flat. But I haven't actually seen him in about three months. But I get to see him tomorrow and I am so so so so so so so excited!!!
          Just had to share that, don't mind me :)


@dontletbreego no that wasn't confusing at all. I think that the brain and behavior course (and my other psych courses) were really interesting, it is so fascinating how the brain can make you feel and think all these different things and how something like depression is all tied to chemical imbalances in the brain. So i know what you are saying, i was sad when i had to stop my psych major, but i hope to be able to pick it up again


I love helping people, it's something that makes me strive to work harder. (i almost said strife, and that's completely different, fail, Brianna) That's really interesting. When I was a bit younger, I wanted to be a crime scene investigator, like someone from Law & Order or something. But then I realized that would mean possibly seeing dead people, and I've seen a dead person before and it's kind of traumatizing, so I quickly thought of different careers that would fit my line of thinking and all. I then thought of becoming a pediatrician, because not only do I love to help people, I love to help children. My family thinks that that is a very nice career for me, but I still don't think that's right for me. Medical school really isn't my thing at all, and if I can't handle medical school, I won't be able to handle pediatrics. So, I read up on biology and psychology, and I found myself very interested in the human brain and how it works, and how the human body can affect the human brain. There was this one time I went to an art museum and I was able to see real dead bodies (they freaked me out, but I toughed it up) and I was able to look at the human brain in full and in slices, and it was very interesting and it was the only part of the whole exhibit that I really liked. I later found out that therapy would be perfect for me because then I can experience the human brain in action. That was probably long and confusing, but *shrugs* 


@dontletbreego my teachers were scarily accurate, i went from wanting to become a lawyer to a csi to a forensic anthropologist to now being a profiler or criminal behaviouralist, and maybe a crime writer. I'm currently finishing an undergraduate degree in cultural anthropology and criminology, possibly adding psychology to that too. I got told i should become a relationship therapist. It is a nobel thing to want to help people


@dontletbreego thank you. Apparently i was like that too, several of my teachers told my mum they thought i would become a writer (or something ti do with forensics) when i grew up, and i actually write letters to my best friend semi frequently that end up being like seven pages of my tiny cramped handwriting


@Veronibell Well, here I am to encourage you to write. Everyone should write if they enjoy it or if it helps them. So, please, write on. And writing is very important in my life. I have always been writing, ever since I learned how to write and form sentences. I was writing short stories, entering writing contests, and I always wrote long essays for my teachers. I loved writing letters when I was younger (before email was a big thing, and before Facebook was even a thing....before texting was big,too)