
So here we are again. Where is chapter 12 for The Devil Tames The Fox Lady? Well, last time I promised to work on it once I'm done with Kafka fanfict. But after rewriting the fanfict up to around 50.000 words, I wasn't satisfied with any of them since there is very little information on Kafka. Unlike Yae Miko in Genshin, they kept Kafka's history and information blurry, which is not a bad thing, but it will be tough to write a fanfiction about her.
          	In the end, I decided it would be best until Hoyo can disclose more info about Kafka. I don't think it's wise of me to wait until I can get more info about her, since researching your story completely before the first chapter even came out is not a good habbit. And I think we know enough about Kafka to get a general understanding of her, although it's just not enough for me. But regardless of this, I want to respect Kafka as a character just as much as I respect Yae Miko. I want to write these characters because I love them. I don't want to write them half-assed. I want to interact with these characters I love with my own. I don't want to write characters that look Yae Miko and Kafka just on the outside, but on the inside they are just someone else.
          	So there you have it. I decided to focus back on Yae Miko fanfict until I get more info about Kafka. As of now, I'm still busy. The fastest time I could publish chapter 12 is next January, but don't count on it.
          	Also, Merry Christmas! Sorry for the long delay! Again!


@Vexon77 Thanks you too lol.


@Storiesfan111 @MukoruImpact I'm not usually online either unless I have time. Happy New Years by the way!~


@Vexon77 ♥️ is it just me or there are only three of us here online 


So here we are again. Where is chapter 12 for The Devil Tames The Fox Lady? Well, last time I promised to work on it once I'm done with Kafka fanfict. But after rewriting the fanfict up to around 50.000 words, I wasn't satisfied with any of them since there is very little information on Kafka. Unlike Yae Miko in Genshin, they kept Kafka's history and information blurry, which is not a bad thing, but it will be tough to write a fanfiction about her.
          In the end, I decided it would be best until Hoyo can disclose more info about Kafka. I don't think it's wise of me to wait until I can get more info about her, since researching your story completely before the first chapter even came out is not a good habbit. And I think we know enough about Kafka to get a general understanding of her, although it's just not enough for me. But regardless of this, I want to respect Kafka as a character just as much as I respect Yae Miko. I want to write these characters because I love them. I don't want to write them half-assed. I want to interact with these characters I love with my own. I don't want to write characters that look Yae Miko and Kafka just on the outside, but on the inside they are just someone else.
          So there you have it. I decided to focus back on Yae Miko fanfict until I get more info about Kafka. As of now, I'm still busy. The fastest time I could publish chapter 12 is next January, but don't count on it.
          Also, Merry Christmas! Sorry for the long delay! Again!


@Vexon77 Thanks you too lol.


@Storiesfan111 @MukoruImpact I'm not usually online either unless I have time. Happy New Years by the way!~


@Vexon77 ♥️ is it just me or there are only three of us here online 


Part (3/3)
          Last but not least, personal life matters. My body had been crumbling down lately. I wasn't exactly living a healthy life since college, so I need to get it back on track. It was so bad, I was at a high risk to die young or soon. Depression might not feel anythin' about that, but my family begs to differ. So I'll try to live longer for them however I can. Just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, I'm not sick or dying yet. My body is just at high risk of getting one.
          And also other family stuff that I had to take care of.
          And Yae Miko? I'm putting the fanfict on hold until I manage to finish Kafka fanfict's first chapter. PLEASE. DO. NOT. ASSASSINATE. ME. I mean, I'm already dying anyway. Don't bother wasting your bullet. Instead, look forward to Kafka's fanfict. Imma try to make it better and fix the first chapters' mistake I wrote on Yae Miko's fanfict.


@MukoruImpact I'm fine~ For now, at least. I've been going to the gym to get back in shape. But thankyou for your concern!~


You HATE TO REST you can't just die yet


Part (2/3)
          Second, workload. Yeah, irl work is a writer's number one enemy. Can't fix that, unless I somehow manage to make money from writing stories, which is impossible for me since I still got a long way to go to be a good writer.


@MukoruImpact Not at all!~ There is still so much room for me to grow


@Vexon77 ehhh you're already good already 


Part (1/3)
          Yeah, I know. I promised you guys I would publish Kafka's story. But the thing is, it's been going terribly bad. I'm still not giving up on it. I even kept rewriting the first chapter until it reached 50.000 words and more. But why is it taking so long? Well, just like before, here comes your classic Vexon's lousy excuses lmao.
          First, I promised that it will be non-Star Rail player friendly, meaning that everyone could enjoy reading the fanfict, regardless if you play the game or not. But because of this, I underestimated the problem this would make in my progress. Since I'm planning to make the fanfict solely focusing on the romance between Kafka and OC, it would be hard to balance that to the world building needed for Star Rail's lore, especially for readers who are not familiar with Star Rail. I struggled so much at first, but now I think I found the best way to solve this problem.


@MukoruImpact Thanks!~ I'm glad to hear that


@Vexon77 It's alright! No need to worry but I'm always waiting for it whenever it takes or how long since I've been waiting for you to update yae Miko's story.. you're my favorite writer!♥️


I am currently writing Kafka fanfict, as promised. I will publish it as soon as I can and I will try my best to write it as Non-Star Rail Player friendly. Meaning that even if you don't follow Star Rail's story line or play the game, and just want to be stepped on by a dommy mommy, you can still enjoy it and feel the pleasure of her high heels digging into you. 
          And just a heads up for those who don't know, Kafka and Yae Miko are very similar, except Kafka have no remorse for killing--as long as she deems it necessary.
          And no, I am not axing Yae Miko fanfict. Calm down. Don't assassinate me in my sleep.
          Anyway, that's it! Have a great day!~


@MaxCast1221 Oh, boy. Pressure is on. Are there no other Kafka fanfict?


@ Vexon77  Finally the first good quality Kafka fanfic. 


@ChloeRiambonanza I'll be sure not to disappoint then~


Happy Birthday to the best waifu, Yae Miko!~
          It's hard to say this, but I promised I would write a birthday chapter for her last year. And a year later since then, we still haven't even got close to it yet. There are still 1 more chapter remaining before I can finally write her birthday chapter. I feel that as Yae Miko's biggest simp, I failed. But mark my word, I will write it!
          Once I finish my work of course. Ehe~


@Vexon77 Ehe? TE NANDAYO!?!?


Here's an idea. Make a chapter where Yae Miko and Lucifer play Genius Invokation TCG. With Yae winning at first before slowly starting to lose due to Lucifer learning her tactics. Not a request, just an idea.


@Storiesfan111 Yes!~ I actually already planned to involve Lucifer in each event where Miko make an appearance. Yes, even the ones back at Inazuma and Sumeru.
            Aa for TCG, I will also involve Lucifer in this current event. But as for when that will happen is still unknown. I haven't even finished my arc yet. Guess you'll have to wait for that time to come.


I've rarely been emotional when I see a joyful and wondrous story that reminds me of disney princess. But Yoimiya's second story manage to do just that, and even made me shed tears~ This is the first time Hoyoverse make a second story for a non-Archon characters, and they already nailed their first attempt! Can't wait 'till Yae Miko get her second story!~
          Also, I manage to C6 Yae Miko and get her weapon!~ Heck yeah! Time to get more and refine it to level 5!~


@Vexon77 Big oof. Oh well, better late than never I guess.


@Storiesfan111 I wish I could. Sadly I won't be able to write anything for another month or more. I want to continue writing it, and my hands are already itching to write more too~ But responsibility is just a pain in the arse...


@Vexon77 Shut up you simp and get back to working on the fanfiction.
            (I'm kidding do whatever you like as long as it includes working on the fanfiction)


I've made up my mind. I might write Kafka fanfict once she becomes playable on Star Rail. And yes, I know I got a lot in my plate, one of them being Yae Miko fanfiction. But I just can't resist myself from writing another waifu~
          And yes, Miko and Kafka is similar. The only difference is Kafka is much more evil(?) and she is not lazy like Miko. I don't know. Too early to tell. That's why I'm waiting for the day her banner arrives so I can research about her more and what's the deal with her. Plus it's hard to research Star Rail since it's only been more than a week since the game released, and the game is not as popular as Genshin.
          Anyway, Imma go work again. Chapter 12 is finished, but still need some huge editing and additions here and there. See ya!


@TopazZaGod mhm, I might have to wait for a bit while before I can write my own ideas because of that. Although I already have it in my head, I need to wait just to be sure. At most until all the current Stellaron Hunters are playable, and at least until Kafka is playable.


Also, HSR is currently in 1.0 so lore won’t come out for a while(kafka lovers get time to save up for her)


praise be!!! I’ve been brainrotting over her 