
City Gone Dark: Chapters 2 - 4 have been published.


Hello, I've just been reading "Tsunami full of dead tears" (great name btw) and you described there names and towns in Japan, not everybody does so. Can you tell me where you got the information from? I want to write my stories as realistically as possible, so that would be nice.


          So I know I've been very, very radio silent for... wow, a year?
          Yeah, that's a long time. And in that time, I couldn't write at all due to complications with scheduling. Sorry about that.
          Now, for the main reason why I'm announcing today... I've gotten many recent comments on my TODT 2 book, all of which I've been very grateful for. You guys are literally the best readers I could ask for. I love you all.
          That said, unfortunately, I won't be releasing TODT 3.
          There are a variety of reasons. I actually do have 4 chapters written, but I scrapped them a long time ago, and looking back, I don't think they would've amounted to a great end product. If you guys would like to see these scrapped chapters, I'd be happy to publish them!
          But no, the main reason why I think I'll be ending this story at TODT 2 is because... there isn't really much else to tell. Muzan has been defeated. Yes, not killed, but he was driven out and defeated, and both Giyuu's and Shinobu's arcs have been resolved. Now, there's a WHOOOLE lot that I haven't finished up, like the other Upper Moons, Tanjiro and Kanao, Nezuko and Zenitsu, etc, etc. But I've realized that I might've mishandled their characters to the point where I might not be able to salvage them. Especially Kanao.
          I know this may be very disappointing to some of you. Perhaps you guys'll be a little upset. But please understand. I love TODT, but I think it's best that the series end where I ended it. I hope you guys won't be too disappointed about that.
          Though, I'm certainly not quitting writing. In fact, I think I'll start publishing on Wattpad again! Though not fanfictions anymore. No, I think it's about time I started writing original stories. Those are the kinds of stories my heart yearns to tell, after all this time. I've learned a lot in the past few months, and I'd like to share my new stories with all of you.
          But no matter what, I will always appreciate you all! Thank you so much!


@Veyrum Although, it seems that others are taking things into their own hands in regards to Part 3 …


@Veyrum I look forward to reading many of your works in the future. I can’t lie that I am disappointed my favourite series has reached its end, but am consoled by the fact that you are going to be an excellent author of your own creations.


@Veyrum I look forward to reading your original stories, Vey!