
Hi lovelies!
          	If you were in the middle of reading Trouvaille, I currently unpublished all the chapters minus the introduction of the story. Currently editing the prologue and first chapter. Hope to have it up by tomorrow with the new additions to the works.
          	Thanks for your patience ♥️


Hi lovelies!
          If you were in the middle of reading Trouvaille, I currently unpublished all the chapters minus the introduction of the story. Currently editing the prologue and first chapter. Hope to have it up by tomorrow with the new additions to the works.
          Thanks for your patience ♥️


Hello and long time no see my lovelies♥️
          It has been over a year since my last message and over two years since I have written anything. Thank you to the new followers who have started to follow me and started reading my works during this long hiatus of mine. Also thank you to those who have stayed, periodically checking in with me. 
          I started this account over 8 years ago, with a huge creative spark to write. A medium I love. Even though I have stepped away from writing for the last two years, I am looking to start again. 
          I am going to be fully focusing on the Amaranthine Chronicles, especially with Trouvaille and Ammil. A creative spark has been instilled in me for the last two months to revamp the works to create a richer story. I am adjusting some of the plot lines I originally planned out and rework some of the characters. 
          So don’t be surprised if you see changes as a current and new reader to the series. It’s a genre I absolutely love and would love to do the world I created justice.
          Thanks for being patient with me as I slowly get back to the groove of writing.


@___faazlin thanks for the sweet welcome. Hope I am able to provide some great work to you all


@ViMa711 welcome back we've waited patiently for you 


@Fiooona95 ♥️♥️♥️


Happy New Year my lovely travelers!
          2023 has been filled with a lot of life changes for me and navigating what my new normal would be. Since losing my dad at the beginning of the year, I merely navigated through life the best I can. Soaking in every opportunity I could to spend time with my mom and my younger brother.  
          As the year got a little bit easier, I had tried to write but unfortunately, I could never write down the words nor the scenes I want to continue. So, I will continue to give myself grace and not push myself to write.
          One day I do hope to write and hopefully have readers that will read what I create when I return.
          For now, I wish you a Happy New Year as we start 2024. 
          Be safe and wish all the best for all of you. 


Happy new year!!!!


@minjoon4ever__ Happy New Year to you as well! :)


@certified-simp04 thank you for your sweet and simple message. I hope this New Year brings you so much happiness.


I have been liking on posting random snippets of unfinished stories as well as behind the scenes information of some of the characters. It may not have lead me into new material quite yet but it’s helping me into getting the mindset of writing again.
          Sorry the new book is not coherent nor does it flow in any shape or form. It is meant to house all the creative thoughts, as well as potential ideas that linger there. Provides a place that if anyone wishes to discuss more about those snippets, you can do that as well within the comments.
          If you enjoy those ramblings great, if not that is okay too. 
          I just write.


          I decide to create a book that will have random snippets of drafts that I have written of story ideas and chapters to unfinished stories. 
          Purpose of it is just to gauge engagement but also feedback. It has been almost a year since I had written. 
          Doing this would help me not feel constrained to one story. Jotting down thoughts, ideas, in a book.
          Hope you enjoy the random collection.


Hey would you like to check out my theme shop ❣️


@ViMa711 Sure ...Take care ❣️


@Pammipurnima Thank you for offering but I will check it out at later time. More so when I am ready to be fully on here 


I had thought of coming back to write in the past couple of weeks. However, I actually wouldn’t know where to start or even know if I am able to continue the stories I have.
          A dilemma.
          One day it will come to me. Hopefully.
          I am well just life is busy is all. 


Hello everyone, 
          As I announced a month ago, I have taken down the works that are not completed and kept the ones that were on my page. I decided to publish the chapters that were not edited in Stargazer and Trouvaille only because I had many people who have added these stories to their reading lists. Some aspects of the chapters may not make sense with the edited chapters but they still reach the same conclusion for each book. 
          Again thank you for the support and love you have given to my writing. I hope one day to return and complete these worlds I have created. 
          Until then, stay safe, and see you next time. 


Hello lovely travelers,
          I hope all have been well and life has treated you well. 
          After heavy consideration and gauging how life has been for me, I will probably keep the completed works up while taking the rest down for now. 
          This includes The Amaranthine Chronicles and Stargazer for they are in the editing stage. I have made the decision to do this for writing is still very difficult for me.
          My responsibilities have increased due to helping my mom and brother so much more since my dad’s passing.
          I will keep the current works till the end of June and will take them down until the foreseeable future.
          Thank you so much for the outpouring love you have give. These works of mine.
          Like I said, the completed works will stay while the others would be taken down for them not being completed. 
          Whenever I decide to return to write, you will be the first to know.
          Hope all is well for you all.


Hello everyone,
          I am looking at hopefully returning for a little bit. Write something for one of the books. I just don’t want to promise anything about when I will update regularly. 
          I just want to gauge which book you would like an update on. I know I do not have many followers that are very vocal about updates which I am grateful for. Thank you all for giving me the space and time to update when I can. 
          Let me know by commenting below which book you would like to see the next chapter for and I will have it out at some point this weekend ❤️