•I'm in love with cats and believe that they should rule the world
•My wife is KawaiiFairytail, aka Kailey
•You can call me Via
•Phangirl here!
•My favorite color is the rainbow
•I have a carrot cake fetish
•I'm awkward, and senpai won't notice me
•I have a pixie cut and I love it
•My favorite movie is Spirited Away (No Face ftw)
•My favorite type of music is classic rock, and my favorite band is The Eagles
•I'm an Aquarius
•Emo people go get some real problems
•I'm an atheist and proud of it
•Attack on Titan and Black Butler are bae
•JeanMarco is my OTP
•I love myself some yaoi

the boy you punched in the hall today. Committed suicide a few minutes ago. The boy you called lame. He has to work every night to support his family. That girl you pushed down the other day. She's already being abused at home. That girl you called fat. She's starving herself. The old man you made fun of cause of the ugly scars. He fought for our country. The boy you made fun of for crying. His mother is dying. You think you know them. Guess what? You don't! Re-post if you are against bullying. I bet 99% of you won't, but re-post if you're that 1% with a heart.
  • Mars
  • IscrittoDecember 1, 2015

Storia di Senpai's Senpai
Meow di ViaReallyLovesCats
Sad dimple