
Hi are you new here? Well duh! Im so stupid its in your profile. Anyway Im here to welcome you I suppose you have been introduced to Wattpad lately? Anyway im just KID-ding around Im Ver- very exited to see your work hopefully you dont mind. Anyway seaya around.
                                             2  honest iv given you 2 many . I hope you know me by now


No sweat any way I heard from a little birdy that you've been grounded. So youre probably reading this a few days have past. Anyway I snooping cat told me you make stories in your notebook and if I assu e right her name is Vera? Well dont be mad at her I just heard her sleep talking about you. And to be honest I am thinking youll ask her profile? Well I cant tell you or he'll be mad at me. *yes you read right its a he*


Yeah! I'm kinda looking forward to it 
            And btw I hope you like SOME of my stories