Love, a choice? Part3-dragonflies in the stomach is up...:)
Wanda, a mighty girl of nineteen is living a life from hell or much worse.
Amidst all problems which had at once proven to be the only ones-her nuisance of family who are worse than her enemies, there lies another major problem.
"missing twenty three months" that just seemed to have fled from her memory and
With her "human" friend passing away a month back and no one for her to share her feelings with she is left all alone. or atleast, she has turned her back on whatever pieces of happiness may have remained.
She all the more different now, pained and confused yet too proud acknowledge it. Feeling for nothin, smiling not even once for the heck of it or sad to please the sadists just a bit more daring and defensive than ever.
Lost so deep in thoughts. Time seems to have stuck for her and so has her heart.
But one fine rainy day, "Beau" a swallow, and her friend comes to her window after an absence of pretty long. Only to reveal his human form...........and that-
she was/is in love with him.
she was/is the mother of his child.
she had slept with him.......ofcourse.
But thats not all....;)