
this message may be offensive
Sorry, another message!
          	Hey, if y'all adopted or are rewriting my old stories or something then ya can advertise then on here too if ya want. Like, either interact on this and put the title and your username in the comments or just post it on here announcing that you're rewriting it so people can go and read the adopted version.
          	Saves me from going through months worths of notifications to see if people mention adopting a story and stuff and makes it easier for any followers and shit.


@ViciousViking03 yeah go ahead! Good luck~!


@ViciousViking03 if it is alright, would you mind if I did it?


@ViciousViking03 I would like to see a rewrite or adoption of Lucifer. That would be a sight to see!


this message may be offensive
Sorry, another message!
          Hey, if y'all adopted or are rewriting my old stories or something then ya can advertise then on here too if ya want. Like, either interact on this and put the title and your username in the comments or just post it on here announcing that you're rewriting it so people can go and read the adopted version.
          Saves me from going through months worths of notifications to see if people mention adopting a story and stuff and makes it easier for any followers and shit.


@ViciousViking03 yeah go ahead! Good luck~!


@ViciousViking03 if it is alright, would you mind if I did it?


@ViciousViking03 I would like to see a rewrite or adoption of Lucifer. That would be a sight to see!


this message may be offensive
Alright I'm putting this message out for y'all. My brother (who has autism so please be nice) has started making fanfiction on here under the name of PrimeA1999
          Most of his stuff is based in the MHA fandom so if ya like that shit go check him out I guess!


Why did you quit fanfic's


@ViciousViking03 its cool do what ya want to do my guy (or girl or non binary)


@Commander_Snow I just lost interest I guess? 
            I could easily go on a spiel about how 'I was doing exams and life was hard at the time' which is also true since I was doing exams and life was difficult at the time but honestly I just lost complete interest in writing. I hope that answers your question, as lackluster as the answer to it is


this message may be offensive
I want to sincerely apologise to all the people randomly getting notifications telling g them I've messaged them
          I'm bored as fuck and have nothing better to do
          No, this does not mean I'm returning to writing on here
          Yes, this does mean I'm just going through random comments and messing around or just replying to people in general


This might be read in the future so it might not be correct, but right now, your followers are 666, and I immediately thought of how many Karen's saw this and thought "the devil!"


@elizaw58 I'm actually upset that I missed that aha, especially since I have a story literally titled 'Lucifer', they'd have thought I was a satanist or something 


want you to know that you are an amazing person.
          If I don't get this back, I understand.
          But I (and this challenge as a whole) have a game for you.
          Once you have read this message, you must send this to 15 people, including me.
          If you get at least three back you are loved.
          Nobody knows how important something is until they lose it.
          Tonight at 11:59 am, the person you love most will realize they love you.
          Then at 1:00-2:00 pm be ready for the shock of your life.
          If you break this chain, you will have bad luck.
          With love, send this to 15 people.
          If you don't, you will turn ugly (in other people's eyes) for one year.
          A friend told me to do this so PASS IT ON.
          Tomorrow, two people will ask for your number.
          Send this to 15 people or back luck will find you for the whole year.
          THIS IS NOT FAKE


If anyone is going to bother and post on this person’s profile, note that he has probably left his account and stories. I hope I have saved your time.


@ViciousViking03 okay, I might try to adopt some because your ideas are amazing


@GalacticGoblin8 Yeah this account is dead, I'm only going onto it every couple of months to check on stuff or look at comments though I've only just decided to comment on some of them