Tasked with setting up a team of the sketchiest mutants he could find, Gambit came to the conclusion, somewhere along the way, that Victor Creed would be a good addition. At this point, he didn’t know he would be the leader, or even what they would be doing, but he did have orders and a message from Nathaniel Essex. Oh how he didn’t want to approach the feral mutant, but was forced to, as he took a seat across from him in a bar on the outskirts of an almost dead town.

Essex left him to answer, later excusing it as a training exercise, if he was asked. It put Remy in a spotlight he wasn’t prepared for, and he could feel the hatred directed towards him as a thick tension entered the room. He should have seen this coming, of course Essex would want to be seen doing something of this scale, and the kid was an easy scapegoat. “I didn’ agree to this, I’m not leadin’ anything. You can find someone else for de job.” He finally spoke to Sinister, as if the others weren’t ready to wring his neck. “We have an arrangement LeBeau, need I remind you that you’re the one in my debt?” He questioned with a content and wicked grin, as if he was merely doing this to spite Gambit rather than have any other purpose. But of course there was a purpose, he couldn’t have a band of mutants living in the sewers who bore witness to what he had done long ago, and it would be up to his Marauders to eliminate them.

this message may be
@Gambit- with having eating weeks to find out that Nathaniel Essex the bastard of a bastard in Victors eyes he would have considered it all but a waste of time. Keeping his arms crossed with blockbuster next to him almost sharing the same expression as he glared at Essex with a monstrous sneer. Almost doing the same to the little rat who told him to be there in the first place as he groaned in annoyance. Being the only one who was either stupid or brave enough to speak up about it." I'm not having a damn kid tell me what to do. If all I could get this mission done myself on my own and bed done with it wsithout having orders barked at me by a 17 year old Theif who acts like a fucking ten year old." He said as he almost towered over Remy as he spat his words at him like venom. Waiting weeks for this to only be told to take orders from him? He wouldn't accept it.


i must say i thought i ' ve seen everything before but a man mixed with a feline , that ' s the first

"Who wants their throat torn out-?"


The tracker had been faring well, in so much as he had found markings which were unmistakably those of the man he had been hunting for just over a few hours in the expanse of trees which surrounded the area. Better to pinpoint the location of the beast and gain an advantage early, although he was in the man’s turf, which put him at an immediate disadvantage. Bearing the familiar swords, he would have to place himself at risk this time, something he wouldn’t have usually done, but this was an exceptional case.

Watching the wound heal so quickly made the White Wolf realize just how difficult this was going to be, it was surreal, but he had dealt with similar things. Werewolves were known for healing, he would deal with this in the same way. The next move caught him off guard, he didn’t have time to avoid the strike, and the sheer strength surprise him as he was knocked backwards. Springing upwards a few second afterwards, ignoring the immense pain from the hit, he drank some swallow, which acted as an anesthesia for him. Even if he was near death, he wouldn’t feel it as he tossed the vial away. “That all you got?” He called, casting igni to set the trunk alight, the flames dancing in the reflection of his cold stare, wanting to eliminate the advantages.

@GeraltWitcher he clenched at his torn clothing tightly. Blood dripping from the wound as it remained. Only within a minute it would be closed as he realized this prey wasn't going to play it easy. "That hurt.. not bad, not bad." He snarled. Keen on attempting to not clap his hands in amusement. Attacking him directly was one thing. And let's just say sabertooth was far from a smart strategist. He relayed on his brute strength and healing factor too much. Like Wade did. It however was a different story. Stepping back he took a hold of a small firn. Digging it out of the ground with a few tugs from his arm. Uprooting it completely before he lunged at him with it. Using it as a club in a advantage.

Geralt kept his stance, glad his suspicions were confirmed when the feral mutant leapt at him. Slicing through the air, from Creed’s shoulder to the bottom of his abdomen, the cut was clean and quick, he had been poised to strike. “Doesn’t matter what’s fair, didn’t think you cared for it.” Eyes narrowed to orange slits as he stared defiantly back, he stepped back, prepared for Creed to parry once he had healed. This gave the Witcher an opportunity to see just how quickly that would be.

The Robot God nods, "Thank you for the follow. Your profile looks interesting"

The Robot God groans and sighs "Never mind that, alright? I'm not good at talking with new people. Hellraiser is better at talking"

"I knew it. It is stupidity!"

"Do I smell stupidity? I think I smell stupidity."