@-goldenchain- ah good to finally hear from you, so to speak. Is it funny that I can actually believe everything that you wrote in the about me section? Maybe so since we don't really talk that much... Anyways how is everyone? I've personally been fine. We recently got a place again, though our lives were thrown into near chaos before we got the place. I have also met the woman that I know I want to spend my life with. However I have yet to work up the courage to actually ask her our. We like each other (as all our mutual friends can attest to...) but I still, for some crazy reason, fear to ask her out. But I'm working up the courage and hopefully next time I'll be able to ask the question who's response I both dread and hope for. Gods this is deeply private stuff to be talking about so openly... but then again the anonymity protects my true identity and her's... To some extent. Anyways... It's good to at least be able to hear fom you and hopefully well be able to talk again soon.
@VictorRaze yeah :) everything's fine with us, all is good still. I'm happy you've found someone you want to spend the rest of your life with! I found a guy who I feel the same way about, but he's in a different city so I can't be with him--but I'm still wishingto be with him more than anyone else. I hope you get the courage to ask her! :) love ya~