Please sign this petition:
Millions of users come to Wattpad looking for good, high-quality stories. These days, many of the large worth-reading hits are Paid Stories.
Many users, like me, simply cannot afford to get Coins, and some of these users cannot earn Coins because it either is not available in their country to watch ads to gain them, or they simply do not have access to a device where they can earn Coins for free. My phone broke earlier this month, and since I am in a dire financial situation, I cannot buy another. So how do I read Paid Stories? I can't.
While I am perfectly in support of Wattpad writers getting paid for their hard work, I think that there certainly must be better ways for these authors to get money, like ads, or an idea I will be offering to the Wattpad Staff - XP, Ranks, and Points. Sign this pettition to make Wattpad free for all!