
@rockoutgirl22 of course :) and thank you so much!


Ok...this may come as a shock...but I have a confession. 
          I really want to get laid. 
          So will you let me in your pants? Cuz I want in. 
          Please. We'll be each others slaves ;)
          I'll bring the handcuffs (don't worry I got the fuzzy tangerine ones)


          hey! thanks for fanning me! :) means alot! :D
          well, i guess youve already checked out my stories "the day" and "breaking glass"? :)
          but can you PLEASEEEEE support them? :) VOTE, COMMENT, LIKE, TWEET EVERY CHAPTER! :D please :)
          and could you PLEASE reccomend it in the next chapter of "distorted"? i love that story ^~^
          it helps me upload faster :D and i know people love it when I upload faster :)
          please one more time ;) thanks :)