
Hey guys!
          	First off,  I'm not dead yet
          	Second, I've been suffering major writer's block and have been incredibly busy with work- I'm a chef so trying to find down time is very hard for me.
          	Third,  Thanks to covid, I've been temporarily laid off again and I have a lor more time to update most of my stories. 
          	Forth, I'm probably not going to be updating my PJO fics anymore,  I'm sorry for those that were following it, but it just doesn't seem like anyone wants to read it anymore, so I don't want to bother with it. 
          	My Harry Potter fic will be updated very soon, I had most of a chapter written before I took a break and will, again, have it out soon.


Are you alive. 


@Chasobunny your welcome. Now rest up and remember do absolutely nothing get a mental health day.  bye


@Chasobunny oh that no good. Your mental health is very important make sure you do absolutely nothing and your favorite relaxing hobbies. Can't wait for when you start making more chapters again. Take care


Hey guys!
          First off,  I'm not dead yet
          Second, I've been suffering major writer's block and have been incredibly busy with work- I'm a chef so trying to find down time is very hard for me.
          Third,  Thanks to covid, I've been temporarily laid off again and I have a lor more time to update most of my stories. 
          Forth, I'm probably not going to be updating my PJO fics anymore,  I'm sorry for those that were following it, but it just doesn't seem like anyone wants to read it anymore, so I don't want to bother with it. 
          My Harry Potter fic will be updated very soon, I had most of a chapter written before I took a break and will, again, have it out soon.


Hi! I saw that you entered your story in for the 2019 PJO Watty Awards. If you do not already know @PJO_WattyAwards seems to have disappeared and left. So I volunteered to take up their account. So this is the new account for the PJO Watty Awards. The voting has already started so you can’t enter your stories yet, but if you want to you can go vote for some or enter your story/stories into the awards next year. Just thought I’d tell you.


Can you continue Your "Strength thy name is Power" book please owo


Thank youu


@KosmicNites_ I published a couple more chapters. There's more, but I'll do it tomorrow.


.... PUbLiSh iT T_T


i made a tumblr for updates and I am already working on the next chapter for PJO. I also wrote down the outline for the next 3-4 books, so updates should run much more smoothly. I'll try to make them more frequent as best as I can, but it might be a bit until I get wifi for my new place. 
          Lots of love for you all for sticking with me!


@Victoria_Nightshade my handle is HoneydukesHowler