
@TubularAndTwins i'm glad you are liking it! where are you from?


I'm reading Self Help and it's been extraordinary so far. The story is beautifully written and at first I though you were shifting from scene to scens too abruptly but as soon as I got used to the pace I couldn't put it down. There are even chapters that I keep rereading while sobbing because they are so relatable, like personal-stuff-that-could-only-be-found-in-my-diary relatable. You've put me through so many emotions in just a few hours since I started reading and as the pages are turned I felt like watching a playback movie of life. Keep up the amazing work! You have too much potential to NOT be successful :)


HI! I just finished reading "Self Help" and I just had to stop by and say how much I love it! It is such a real book and I know I've been through experiences like yours before. :) UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!


I know its been a while but I am working on a new chapter RIGHT NOW! hang in there!


Hello! I just started to recently read"Self Help" and I am honestly prepared to read more of your works!! It's amazing and so memorizing, really optimum. C: You're a great writer from what I see ;) and by the way, don't real alone, I'm extremely timid in doing anything so you're not alone!! Don't stop writing, you're gonna go far one day! :D -Lynda C: <3


thank you so much for your positive words. its been hard to get out the last few chapters but i am working on more now. stay tuned :)