
I know I’ve already said about how grateful I am for the story and the memories that you’ve given me, and probably many others. But your story, it is the best thing I’ve ever read. I understand that you need a break, i get the feeling, just promise, that one day, even in the far distant future, you will come back to the story. 
          And also, after reading your story for who knows how many times, i think I’m going to give a try at writing as well. So thank you for the inspiration, memories, and everything. 


hey i have a story on an old account that i never really got into but idk if i should redo it or what cuz it ended on the first chap with a questoin on wich pokemon it  should be aka psudo , legendary, mythical , regular or a fakemon


@William927620 I could give you an answer if you want.


you decide pls


If you aren’t gonna continue the story, at least tell us. If you’re taking a break, tell us. We want to know because it has been ages since a new chapter.


at this point just hope and check in like every month keep in mind how long each chapter is the fact school will be getting out soon might mean they'll update a lot